Bidwell-Sacramento River State Park
Environmental Documents
Final EIR for the Bidwell-Sacramento River State Park Habitat Restoration and Outdoor Recreation Facilities Development
This EIR included reviews of applicable chapters and sections contained in the CALFED Final PEIS/EIR and the ROD to develop background information, assess consistency of the proposed project with the CALFED Program Preferred Program Alternative, and provide mitigation guidance. This EIR, tiered from the Park Plan, includes an independently developed analysis of the impacts of the proposed project, including direct, indirect, and cumulative impacts, and an analysis of alternatives to the proposed project.
Addendum to the FEIR for the Bidwell-Sacramento SP habitat restoration and recreation facilities development
Prepared for the Central Valley Flood Protection Board Evidentiary Hearing on the Encroachment Permit Application for Riparian Habitat Restoration on the Singh Unit of the Bidwell-Sacramento River State Park.
Bidwell-Sacramento River State Park Preliminary General Plan & Draft Environmental Impact Report
A Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) prepared by the California Department of Parks and Recreation for the Bidwell-Sacramento River State Park Preliminary General Plan.The Park is located approximately 6 miles west of the City of Chico in the northern Sacramento Valley. The Park consists of four discontiguous subunits that straddle the Sacramento River between State Route 32 and the mouth of Big Chico Creek. The General Plan contains a comprehensive and integrated set of park-wide goals and guidelines for the long-term management of the Park that focus on protection of environmental resources, enhancements to visitor use and opportunities, and improvements to administration and operations of the Park.
Related Documents and Resources
Update on the Singh Unit Restoration Project
This is part of a presentation given by Ryan Luster (TNC) at the February 1st SRCAF TAC meeting. The Singh Property Restoration will include development new outdoor recreational use opportunities, install trails connecting existing and proposed trails.
Restoration Opportunities at Tributary Confluences - Critical Habitat Assessment of the Big Chico Creek-Mud Creek-Sacramento River Confluence Area
This report is an evaluation of current and historic physical and ecological conditions of the land surrounding the confluences of Big Chico and Mud Creeks with the Sacramento River. The goal of this project is to provide a conceptual analysis of alternative restoration options within the context of the current and potential ecological conditions, local infrastructure, and the willing participation of landowners in conservation programs.
A central focus of this report is the 40-acre Singh parcel (the site), located adjacent to the Bidwell-Sacramento River State Park. The Nature Conservancy (TNC) has an option to purchase the Singh parcel with the intention of subsequent deed of title to the State of California Department of Parks and Recreation. Several other landowners are also considering participating in conservation programs. Annexation of this or other parcels into the Bidwell-Sacramento River State Park would provide the opportunity to restore and preserve additional critical habitat for threatened and endangered species along the Sacramento River. Further, such activities are consistent with the goals and actions of the Upper Sacramento River Fisheries and Riparian Habitat Management Plan (California Resources Agency, 1989) and the Sacramento River Conservation Area (SRCA) handbook, updated in 2001(California Resources Agency, 2001).