Bank swallows (Riparia riparia) were listed as state threatened in 1989, and annual counts along the Sacramento and Feather rivers have indicated a steady decline in bank swallow populations, largely due to bank stabilization activities. A statewide colony inventory was conducted in 1987 and provided the basis for the 1989 listing. Over the spring and summer months of 2021, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), in collaboration with our bank swallow conservation partners, intends to repeat the statewide inventory to assess and update the current status of California’s bank swallow population.
During the 2021 field season, surveyors will locate active colonies and collect colony-related data by surveying suspected habitat throughout California. This inventory will allow CDFW to estimate California’s bank swallow population size and develop a robust long-term monitoring plan. Surveys conducted in 2021 will provide a new baseline for tracking bank swallow population trends.
To participate in the 2021 survey effort and contribute to bank swallow conservation, view the survey area map (use Firefox or Chrome) and use the sign-up page to register for survey areas. Be sure to read the Statewide Colony Inventory Survey Methods, the required reference materials, and complete the volunteer form before conducting surveys. Any project related questions can be directed to Jeff McFarland at or (916) 956-7044.
Bank Swallow (Riparia riparia) near a nest entrance
Bank Swallow (Riparia riparia)
A colony nesting on an eroding, vertical bank on the Sacramento River